الخميس، 21 أبريل 2016


الانفال 14/4/1988
جرائم صدام المجرم ضد الكورد
عمليات الأنفال أو حملة #الأنفال وهي إحدى عمليات الإبادة جماعية التي قام بها المجرم صدام الديكتاتور في 14نيسان / 1988
في #كوردستان حيث استشهد الالاف من المواطنين #الكورد وتم تدمير 2000 قرية وتم تصفية 182000 مواطن كوردي من اطفال ونساء ورجال في #مقابر_جماعية
#Anfal operations or the Anfal campaign is one of the genocide collectively by the dictator Saddam Hussein in -14-4-1988 against Aalcard in the#Kurdistan region, has been entrusted the leadership of the campaign to Ali Hassan al-Majid, who served as Secretary of the Northern Bureau of the Baath Party and serves as the military governor of the region and the #Iraqi defense ministerformer Sultan Hashim was the military commander of the campaign, where the displacement of thousands of women and#children, the elderly and young #people from the Kurds and the burning and destruction of villages and towns #Kurdish were burned trees and farms and killed livestock, poultry, dry springs have also been the demolition of #mosques and places of worship and the burning of thousands of Koran addition was genocide 182Kurdish thousand#citizens have been liquidated and mutilated in mass graves

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